We present to you plugin that add non-breaking space before single letters like (a, i, o, u, w, z, A, I, O, U, W, Z). Most of the times when we prepare our content for site we had a problem with esthetics view of our text. At the end of the line, before the fracture to the next line, we are left with a conjunctione.g i. When using mobile devices, and screens of different widths, which is reviewed site, a permanent break in a particular place does not fulfill its role and looks downright miserable. Manual formatting text input is tedious work.
To simplify this process Jola Surma has created a plugin A4 Single letter. Plugin adds so. non-breaking space, defined in the configuration before the addition of the letters, while loading content to the browser. A4 Single letter operates in the components: com_content, com_k2 and other plugin using the type of content, if they are defined in the configuration of the plugin.
If you want to support the development of extensions thrown in.